Greetings and Welcome to Qatar!
مرحباً بعودتك إلى الديار Ahlan Wa Sahlan!
Bienvenida! Welkom! Bienvenue! Muito Bem Vindo! Mabuhay! Irasshai! Benvenuto! Willkommen!
Importing pets to Qatar is a very straightforward procedure. The Canadian Veterinary Hospital Team can help you with questions, confirm documents, provide an import permit, meet your pets, clear them through customs or just meet you at the airport to deliver your documents. If needed we can also provide transportation to your new home. We are a team who speak Arabic and English, along with a few other languages, making for a smooth arrival process for you and your pets.
We are also able to provide boarding and grooming services for cats, dogs and some exotics, in case you need time to get settled. During your pets first 10 days in Qatar, we provide a free consultation and or examination with one of our veterinarians, in order that you have the opportunity to ask about pet life, health and safety while in Qatar. No matter where we travel internationally disease processes differ. It is always wise, as we do for ourselves, to make certain our pets have all the protection they require to live safely in their new home.
If you are traveling to Qatar and require a caring and experienced agent in your home country, we would be happy to provide a few contacts that we know you can count on.
Qatar currently has a one pet per person/family member policy for importation. In order for cats or dogs to enter Qatar they require an import permit. These permits are issued here in Qatar by the Ministry of the Environment, Department of Animal Health, and once issued are good for 30 days. It is always wise to come into Qatar with the original document in hand, and we can courier this to you or give it to your family member if they are already in Qatar. Once you provide the required documentation, we can obtain this permit, within 48 hours on weekdays, if all the documentation we receive from you is in order. Please note, if you are requesting an import permit, or a move during a government EID holiday, it is best to plan ahead, as it may take days or weeks to obtain your permit.
To obtain the import permit, we will require a copy of your passport, a copy of your or your family members Qatar ID (front and back). Please feel free to email or call if you are still waiting on this document, and we will guide you through the process.
In order to enter Qatar, cats and dogs must be microchipped. They should be subsequently, up to date on all of their vaccinations. A mandatory Rabies Serology Certificate, indicating they have passed the RNATT (Rabies Neutralizing Antibody Titre Test) from a recognized laboratory, in which the sample was obtained more than 90 days prior to expected travel. These procedures are all necessary to obtain an import permit, and also important for pets who are traveling.
We will also require detailed information and documentation for your pets, as outlined below.
Cats will need their rabies vaccination and their upper respiratory series (Fel O Vax or FVRCP), given more than 30 days, and less than 365 days prior to travel. We would also recommend feline leukemia vaccinations for your cats safety, however they are not required to enter Qatar.
Dogs will need their rabeis vaccination and their Distemper Parvo Lepto Series (DA2PPL), given more than 30 days, and less than 365 days before travel. We would also recommend Bordetella (Kennel Cough) Vaccinations for your dog’s safety.
All pets entering Qatar must be a minimum of 7 months of age. The earliest a rabies vaccination can be given for pets worldwide, is at 3 months of age. Therefore, one they have this vaccination, they ust wait in their home country a further 30 days or more before the rabies serology test (RNATT) can be performed.
Provided you and your pet meet all requirements, there is no standard quarantine in Qatar. For Customs Clearancee please ensure the import permit, original vaccination documentation/pet passport, rabies serology and original government health certificate from your country of departure, all be in order for Qatar Customs Officials.
In order to leave many countries a Veterinary and Government Veterinary Health Certificate may be required. It is your responsibility to verify with your veterinarian in your home county, and your countries government officials to determine what your pet requires to leave. As noted above we can recommend an IPATA pet relocator in your country as well, and they can further verify the current requirements with you.
In addition to your own ID, the required documentation for your pet to obtain an Import Permit is as follows:
Each Pet document must clearly state the owner’s name, address, phone # as well as:
Pet Details (name, species, breed, sex, date of birth, description, weight) and a photograph of your pet.
Copy of Microchip details (date placed, location, number)
Copy of the Vaccinations Records (ideally with stickers indicating the vaccine given and batch #), date given, date due, and veterinarians signature and stamp or license #, on an official letterhead, or passport, with the hospital contact details clearly legible.
All of your documents can be emailed to us, and we can obtain your pet’s permit with these in hand.
Please contact us at relocation@canvethospital or 974 4411 8850, and speak to one of our relocation team.
We look forward to meeting you and your pets!