The most important way to prevent spending a lot on pet care is to have your kittens, puppies and adult pets vaccinated on time and according to recommendations.
By preventing infectious diseases with solid vaccination protocols, your pet will be protected from life threatening illnesses, and you will avoid large vet bills especially in the first months of your pet’s life.
The sadest thing for our Canadian Veterinary Hospital team to see, is to constantly see pets with serious viruses, that could have been prevented with inexpensive vaccinations.
Please help us decrease the number of pets dying every day in Qatar, by doing your part to vaccinate as many pets and strays as possible.
7 – 8 weeks FVRCP (Fel O Vax) Includes protection for Panleukopenia & Upper Respiratory Viruses
12 weeks FVRCP (Fel O Vax) and Feline Leukemia
16 weeks FVRCP (Fel O Vax), Feline Leukemia and Rabies
360 days after the 16 week vaccines, FVRCP, Leukemia and Rabies
Due to international travel regulations, the very high incidence of infectious diseases in pets in Doha, and the number of pets coming into and out of Qatar, these vaccinations are recommended yearly for adult cats
FVRCP – this vaccination protects kittens and cats from panleukopenia and the upper respiratory viruses, which are live threatening and very common in Doha
7 – 8 weeks DA2PP (this vaccine protects against Distemper, Parvo and other puppy viruses)
12 weeks DA2PPL (Distemper, Parvo, Leptospirosis Series) + Bordetella (Kennel Cough)
16 weeks DA2PPL (Distemper, Parvo, Leptospirosis Series) + Rabies
360 days after the 16 week vaccines, DA2PPL, Bordetella + Rabies
Due to international travel regulations and the very high incidence of infectious diseases in pets in Doha, these vaccinations are recommended yearly for dogs
DA2PPL – this vaccination series protects puppies and dogs from parvo and distemper viruses, both of which are life threatening, and very common in Doha.